Solensia: A New Treatment for Osteoarthritis in Cats

Is your cat over the age of 11? Has your cat had previous injury? Then Solensia may be right for your cat!
Nearly 90% of cats over the age 12 are found to have osteoarthritis during exam or if x-rays are performed. This disease process slowly breaks down the joint and causes significant and painful inflammation over time.
Signs to Look for at Home for Osteoarthritis:
Not wanting to jump on things or not jumping as high anymore
Slowing down going up or down the stairs
Not wanting to be picked up
Decreased affection with owners
No longer wanting to run or play
Having more trouble urinating or defecating in the litter box
Urinating/defecating outside the litter box
If you feel your cat may be experiencing signs of osteoarthritis we recommend checking out this website to see if solensia may benefit your cat and give us a call.
Solensia is a monoclonal antibody that works with the body to decrease pain caused by osteoarthritis at the joint level by blocking nerve-growth factor, the primary factor responsible for pain. This is a once monthly injection to help control pain and discomfort. Many cats are able to come off other medications such as gabapentin or an NSAID that they may be on to help control osteoarthritis discomfort. As a monoclonal antibody we see progression over time typically within the first 3 months of significant improvement.
If you would like to start Solensia for your cat please take a video of one motion (going up or down stairs, jumping onto a table, etc) as a before video and then reach out to Brookeville Animal Hospital at (301) 774-9698 to schedule an evaluation.